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SLP Resources - Speech Therapy Products


The products in this section were either developed or carefully selected by Say It Right to help SLPs treat language disorders.

The Entire World of R Probe Lists (Vocalic /R/) SKU: EWR-038 Price: $69.99

Create your own probe word lists and worksheets for vocalic /r/ using The Entire World of R methodology. Divided phonetically into 21 types of vocalic /r/ and 11 /r/ blends. Use for developing flash cards, drill sheets, games and stories.

The Entire World of R
Advanced and Single Word Screening Complete Kit
Contains EWR-037 -Stimulus Book and EWR-037R (record forms) Plus EWR Single Word Screening Pad with Cards!
SKU: EWR-037 Combo Price: $239.00
The Advanced Screening for /r/ is the most comprehensive and advanced screening for vocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic /r/ and medial and final /rl/ created to date. The instructional screening book provides instructions on administration of the screening, scoring sheets and stimulus items that are essential for conducting a comprehensive /r/ screening! This screening provides you with knowing exactly which of the 32 /r/ allophones -(vocalic, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic (initial) and /rl/) that your student can produce thus finding their student strengths and the "correctly produced" word for each /r/ allophone so that you can find the most complimentary /r/ target to practice. Includes forms for easy assessment of /r/ articulation disorders. Comes with pad of 30 (11x17") forms, student copies, results forms and Elicitation Probe for all consonantal-vocalic combinations. The Entire World of R Single Word Screening is a screening that evaluates the 19 vocalic /r/ sounds. prevocalic (initial /r/ and medial and final /rl/ sounds. It has 21 stimulus picture cards to show student when conducting the screening. It is ideal for obtaining present levels of performance in therapy sessions, for upcoming IEP meetings, educating students, staff and parents about the students' progress and most importantly, knowing your student's ability and where to begin your /r/ remediation sessions.
christine-ristuccia Evaluation Support Package for /r/ SKU: ESP-001 Price: $199.99
Having trouble making progress with /r/? Don't know where to start? Looking for an expert opinion on treating /r/? Is vocalic /r/ giving you trouble? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our Evaluation Support Package could be right for you. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the R Makeover Course. Current practicing SLP in the area of articulation disorders.
Choosing-a-Target-Checklist.gif SKU: 99D-001 Price: $29.99
Helps guide in the selection of your /r/ intervention taget based on the results of The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. In a handy, time-saving format this checklist reviews all possible criteria in the selection of a proper intervention starting point for /r/ remediation. Provides the answer to: Where do I start with /r/? This is a digital download only in PDF format. 4 pages.
EWR-037R-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R
Advanced Screening Pad
(Record Replacement forms)
SKU: EWR-037R Price: $99.99

Replacement screening pad for The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. Pad of 30 11" x 17" double-sided forms. Includes all 32 types of r including vocalic r and r blends.

Learn-With_Yoga_Combo-thumb.jpg Learn With Yoga Combination
Contains: ABC-001 ABC-003
SKU: ABC-005 Price: $79.99
Combination set. Includes the Learn With Yoga: ABC Yoga Cards for Kids and the companion Instructor Guide. Contains all you need to know to incorporate yogic techniques into your school, classroom, yoga room or home. No experience with yoga is necessary.