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RMP001DCOVER The Entire World of R Practice Book of Words, Phrases and Sentences (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-003D Price: $79.99
This book has been developed to help older students develop mastery of the 32 /r/ sound variations at the single word, phrase and sentence levels. Best used when coupled with the Entire World of R Advanced Screening and Entire World of R Book of Elicitation Techniques.
EWK001DCOVER The Entire World of K and G Book of Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWK-001D Price: $79.99

Work on phonemic awareness and production practice with K and G students. The stories are centered on initial, medial and final /k/ word positions for each story. Each story includes target word lists, a colorable picture, comprehension questions for language and articulation skill practice.

EWT001DCOVER The Entire World of Th Book of Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWT-001D Price: $89.99
Get faster carryover with structured conversation with voiced and voiceless th sounds in stories which contain the targeted sounds. The stories are focused on initial, medial and final voiced and voiceless th sounds. Expedite your therapy with "pure" practice with only one target and word position contained in each story. Every story contains pure "th" sounds. Each story includes: target word lists, comprehension questions for language and articulation skills.
Artic-Attack-R-Cover-thumbD.jpg Artic Attack and Other R Games (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-057D Price: $99.99
Artic Attack! Loaded with /r/ activity sheets for all allophones of the r-sound. All vocalic /r/ combinations are included as well as prevocalic /r/ and /r/ blends. This is a digital download.
Artic-Attack-SZ-thumb.jpg Artic Attack and Other S & Z Games (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-015D Price: $99.99
Artic Attack for /s/ and /z/! Fun practice for frontal and lateral lisps. Loaded with /s/ & /z/ activity sheets for initial medial and final word positions. Includes /s/ blends.
EWS-011D-thumb.jpg Bringing S & Z Home (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-011D Price: $99.99
Keep progress of S & Z during school breaks and for homework. Parents will love the ease of use working with their child. Tons of great lisp disordered worksheets. This is a digital download only.
EWR-056D.jpg Solve Then Say R
(Digital Download)
SKU: EWR-056D Price: $89.99
r carryover activities for older students (ages 8+). Includes all variations of vocalic /r/ by phoneme as well as /r/ blends and mixed /r/.
EWS-002thumb.jpg The Entire World of S and Z Book of Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-002D Price: $99.99
Over 50 stories for s and z divided by initial, medial and final word positions.
BMS-001-thumb.jpg The Basic Manual For Speech & Language (Digital Download) SKU: BMS-001D Price: $39.99
The "all-in-one" resource for speech and language. This book is the single book any speech-language patholgist needs as a basic reference tool with easy-to-use worksheets for articulation (all sounds in initial medial and final word positions and minimal pairs) and language activities (synonyms, multiple meaning works, Wh- questions, sequencing and much more).
EWA-003D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of Categories (Digitial Download) SKU: EWA-003D Price: $79.99
The Entire World of Categories: Aids in teaching the concept and cognitive process of categorizing and determining attributes. Digital Download.
The Entire World of
Celebrations and Seasons
Activity Book (Digital Download)
SKU: EWC-001D Price: $24.99 On Sale! $19.99
Teach the changing holidays and seasonal events of the year with this full-filled activity book. Provides at least 6 different activities for each of the 24 major celebrations covered. Digital Download only.
EDS-010D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of Early Developing Sounds Instructional Workbook (Digital Download) SKU: EDS-010D Price: $99.99
Work on all the early developing sounds, M/N, P/B, T/D, K/G, W/H, and F/V. Loaded with activities for younger children: Screening forms, cut-out cards, activities, songs, finger plays, and crafts. Download and print only.
EWR-035D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Book of Elicitation Techniques (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-035D Price: $125.99
The WOW book for /r/ remediation. Tons of vocalic /r/ tips and techniques. Includes oral movement, coarticulation, whisper techniques and much more. This is a digital download only.
EWR-036D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Curriculum Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-036D Price: $99.99
R aligned to state curriculum standards. Activities for all allophones of vocalic /r/ [air, ar, ear, er, ire, or] as well as prevocalic /r/, /r/ blends and recurrent /r/ are included. Organized into sections for younger and older students. Addresses skills such as capitalization, ABC order, punctuation, categorization, synonyms and antonyms. This is a Digital Download only.
The Entire World of
R Idioms
(Digital Download)
SKU: EWR-055D Price: $79.99
Work on R articulation and idioms at the same time. Great for middle and high school students as well as English-as-a-second language practice. Digital Download Only.
EWR-030D.jpg The Entire World of R Instructional Workbook (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-030D Price: $99.99
Quickly and easliy treat all 21 types of /r/. Divided by vocalic phoneme and by initial, medial and final word positions. Twenty-one sections of worksheets and homework sheets for each vocalic /r/.
S-&-Z-Curriculum_thumb_Down.jpg The Entire World of S & Z Curriculum Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-014D Price: $43.99
Digitial download version. Easy-to-use and age-appropriate activities for /s/ and /z/ that are aligned to state academic curriculum standards. Work on artic sounds and academic goals simultaneously!
The Entire World of
S & Z Idioms
(Digital Download)
SKU: EWS-012D Price: $79.99
S&Z articulation and idiom practice in one volume. Great for middle school, high school and ESL. Digital Download Only.
EWS-001D.jpg The Entire World of S and Z Instructional Workbook (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-001D Price: $99.99
The complete reference for frontal and lateral lisps. Treat S, S blends, final S clusters and Z articulation disorders with ease. Loads of worksheets! This is a digital download for easy printing of worksheets.
EWSH-013D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of SH & CH Curriculum Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWSH-013D Price: $43.99
Easy-to-use and age-appropriate activities for [sh, ch, j, and zh] that are aligned to state academic curriculum standards. Work on artic sounds and academic goals simultaneously! Digital Download only.
EDS-021-Thumb.jpg Weave a Sound Word Web
(Digital Download)
SKU: EDS-021D Price: $43.99
Fun and challenging articulation word web practice for ages 8 and up. Includes 66 acticulation carryover puzzles as well as grammar teaching tools for prefixes, suffixes, segmenting, sentence definition and compound words.
EWL-004DThumb.jpg The Entire World of L Idioms
(Digitial Download)
SKU: EWL-004D Price: $49.99
Articulation and language practice for the L phoneme. 64 pages. Designed for ages 8+. Great for ESL practice. Digital Download Only.
The Entire World of R Single Word Screening Form (Digital Download) SKU: SF-000D Price: $5.00
Download the original 21 word one-page screening form with picture cards to find your student's strengths. Quickly and easily evaluate all 21 types of /r/ (prevocalic /r/, 19 vocalic /r/'s and medial and final /rl/. Divided by individual /r/ phonemes in initial, medial, and final word positions. This screening tool is essential for your daily SLP toolbox. This is a Digital Download only. No cards are included with this order. Easy print from your computer. Cards are available to be emailed upon request.
99D-004.jpg Speech Tracking Charts (Digital Download) SKU: 99D-004 Price: $0.99

Track your progress of your students with this trio of handy tracking tools. Includes: 1. Speech Accuracy Chart 2. Speech Assessment Log 3. Speech Screening Log
This is a digital download only. PDF format. 3 pages with instructions.
AIR-thumb.jpg Entire World of AIR Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090A Price: $9.99
18 page activity book highlighting words with the AIR sound. Digital Download Only.
AR-thumb.jpg Entire World of AR Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090B Price: $9.99
18 page activity book highlighting words with the AR sound. Digital Download Only.
EAR-thumb.jpg Entire World of EAR Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090C Price: $9.99
18 page activity book highlighting words with the EAR sound. Digital Download Only.
ER-thumb.jpg Entire World of ER Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090D Price: $9.99
18 page activity book highlighting words with the ER sound. Digital Download Only.
IRE-thumb.jpg Entire World of IRE Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090E Price: $9.99
16 page activity book highlighting words with the IRE sound. Digital Download Only.
OR-thumb.jpg Entire World of OR Activity Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-090F Price: $29.99
18 page activity book highlighting words with the IRE sound. Digital Download Only.
Rblends-thumb.jpg Entire World of Rblends Activity Book (Digital Downloads) SKU: EWR-090G Price: $29.99
14 page activity book highlighting words with the Rblends sounds, includes RL and Prevocalic R. Digital Download Only.
ST-001D-thumb.jpg Affricates Advanced screening -sh and ch (Digital Download) SKU: ST-001D Price: $37.99
This screening form is for the /sh/ and /ch/ affricate sounds in words such as fish, shoe, cherry and bench. Evaluation is completed for affricate sounds in initial word position (e.g. sh, phrase level (the shoe) and sentence level (My shoe is lost). Helps to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of the student. Use for development of IEP goals, reporting progress and where to begin in the intervention process.
ST-002D-thumb.jpg Interdentals-th screening (Digital Download) SKU: ST-002D Price: $37.99
This screening form focuses on the interdental sounds; voiced th as in words such as the and this and voiceless th in words such as tooth and bathtub. Screening is available for single words, phrases and sentences in initial, medial and final word positions. Use for development of where to begin in the intervention process, development of IEP goals and reporting student progress.
ST-003D-thumb.jpg /s/ and /z/ Advanced Screening (Digital Download) SKU: ST-003D Price: $37.99
This screening form is for frontal and lateral lisp disorders involving the /s/ , initial and final /s/ blends and /z/ sounds. Use this screening form to find a correct production (key word) in which correct placement can be established. In finding this key word, placement can be practiced by having the student feel and hear what a correct production is. Evaluation occurs in initial, medial and final word positions /s/ at the single word, phrase and sentence level. Use for development of IEP goals, reporting progress and where to begin in the intervention process.
EWS-003-thumb The Entire World of S & Z Screening Form (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-003D Price: $37.99
Quickly and easily assess frontal and lateral lisp disorders with this handy screening tool. Evaluates for S, S blends, and Z. No cards are included with this order. Easy print from your computer.
The Entire World of SH & CH Screening Form (Digital Download) SKU: EWSH-003D Price: $57.99
Quickly and easliy assess affricate and fricative articulation disorders with this handy screening tool. No cards are included with this order. Evaluates for SH, CH, ZH, and J. Easy print screening from your computer.
compre-r-screening-small.png Comprehensive R Screening (Digital Download) SKU: ST-004D Price: $87.99
This five page screening form is the ultimate /r/ screening in digital format. The goal is to assess 32 /r/ allophones until you find a correct production and to measure /r/ productions in single words, phrases, sentences, and structured conversation (reading stories). This product differs from the EWR Advanced Screening in the following] ways: No stimulus book, a digital download, contains medial and triple /r/ blend words. There are stories for prevocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, medial /r/ blends, vocalic /r/ and a carryover story which contains all of the /r/ sounds mixed into one story.
The Entire World of R Book of Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-032D Price: $99.99
Sixty-three pure /r/ practice stories. Only the target phoneme and word position appear in the story.
The Entire World of SH and CH Instructional Workbook (Digital Download) SKU: EWSH-001D Price: $99.99
The complete reference for afficates and fricatives. Treat SH, CH, ZH, and J articulation disorders with ease.
Big Book of R Carry-Over Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-034D Price: $99.99
Advanced practice for vocalic /r/. Sixty-seven (67) phonologically pure /r/ stories. All 8 variations of /r/ as well as a special challenge section of mixed /r/, r blends, and recurrent /r/.
SKU: 99D-002 Price: $0.99

Blank game board with over 25 landing squares to choose. Fill and and color. Adaptable game that you design. Includes two versions: One for single sheet use and one larger sized that prints on 4 letter sized sheets. This is a digital download only. PDF format. 6 pages with instructions.
Choosing-a-Target-Checklist.gif SKU: 99D-001 Price: $29.99
Helps guide in the selection of your /r/ intervention taget based on the results of The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. In a handy, time-saving format this checklist reviews all possible criteria in the selection of a proper intervention starting point for /r/ remediation. Provides the answer to: Where do I start with /r/? This is a digital download only in PDF format. 4 pages.
Entire World of L Book of Stories (Digital Download) EWL-002 Price: $49.99

Structured conversation for articulation remediation of the /l/ phoneme. 28 /l/ stories organized in sections based on word position (initial, medial, final and mixed). Each story comes with a cute, colorable illustration, vocabulary list, and comprehension questions. Only /l/ words from the target word position appear in each story so your students get "perfect practice" for /l/. Ages 5 and up.

Entire World of R Advanced Screening Results Page (Digital Download) Price: $29.99
christine-ristuccia Evaluation Support Package for /r/ SKU: ESP-001 Price: $199.99
Having trouble making progress with /r/? Don't know where to start? Looking for an expert opinion on treating /r/? Is vocalic /r/ giving you trouble? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our Evaluation Support Package could be right for you. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the R Makeover Course. Current practicing SLP in the area of articulation disorders.
Practice-Book-for-Older-Students-Book-1-thumb.png Practice Book for Older Students: Book 1 (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-301D Price: $63.99

A 168-page book with practice for Prevocalic /r/, Vocalic R (AR, AIR, EAR, ER, IRE, & OR), R blends, and Recurrent R. Great for homework or practice!

Practice-Book-for-Older-Students-Book-2-thumb.png Practice Book for Older Students: Book 2 (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-302D Price: $63.99

A 172-page book with practice exercises for Prevocalic /r/, Vocalic R (AR, AIR, EAR, ER, IRE, & OR), R blends, and Recurrent R. Great for homework or practice!

Practice-Book-for-Older-Students-Book-3-thumb.png Practice Book for Older Students: Book 3 (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-303D Price: $63.99

A 162-page book with practice exercises for Prevocalic /r/, Vocalic R (AR, AIR, EAR, ER, IRE, & OR), R blends, Recurrent R, and Mixed R. Great for homework or practice!

Practice-Book-for-Older-Students-Book-4-thumb.png Practice Book for Older Students: Book 4 (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-304D Price: $63.99

A 162-page book with practice exercises for Prevocalic /r/, Vocalic R (AR, AIR, EAR, ER, IRE, & OR), R blends, Recurrent R, and Mixed R. Great for homework or practice!

99D-005.jpg SKU: 99D-005 Price: $0.99

Track the homework and class progress of your students with this trio of handy tracking tools. Includes: 1. Speech Session Log 2. Speech Homework Chart 3. Summer Speech Chart This is a digital download only. PDF format. 3 pages with instructions.
Conquest of R front cover - thumb.jpg The Conquest of R (Digital Product) SKU: EWR-029D Price: $84.99
Will help you probe deeper into the student's lack of progress in correct production of /r/ after being in traditional /r/ intervention. Learn to pinpoint student's correct productions and facilitating contexts using the Entire World of R Elicitation Probe which included in the Entire World of R Advanced Screening. (Digital Version)
EWR-030D.jpg The Entire World of R Instructional Workbook Combo (Digital Product) SKU: EWR-031D Price: $99.99
Quickly and easliy treat all 21 types of /r/. Divided by vocalic phoneme and by initial, medial and final word positions. Twenty-one sections of worksheets and homework sheets for each vocalic /r/.
The Entire World of R Probe List (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-038D Price: $69.99

Digital Download: Create your own probe word lists and worksheets for vocalic /r/ using The Entire World of R methodology. Divided phonetically into 21 types of vocalic /r/ and 11 /r/ blends. Use for developing flash cards, drill sheets, games and stories.

R Secret Web The Entire World of R Secret Message (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-004D Price: $78.99
This book has been developed to help the student develop mastery of the /r/ variations while learning puzzles. It is suggested that the student with the /r/ speech sound disorder be given the Comprehensive /r/ screening to determine which of the 32 variations of /r/ he has not mastered. After you have determined an /r/ variation (e.g., ear initial) that the student was stimulable for or could correctly produce, find the corresponding chapter of the Entire World of R. Secret Message and use the appropriate section for practice. Keep a list of the correctly produced words in the production practice and write it on one of the Correctly Produced Word Lists in Appendix A (pp. 77–82)
Blank-Game-Board-2.jpg SKU: 99D-003 Price: $0.99

Blank game board with over 25 landing squares to choose. Fill and and color. Adaptable game that you design. Includes two versions: One for single sheet use and one larger sized that prints on 4 letter sized sheets. This is a digital download only. PDF format. 6 pages with instructions.