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10 Step Process

1). Evaluate the 32 /r/ allophones utilizing The Entire World of R Screening Tool.

2). Write down the correct /r/ productions based upon the screening results.

3). Choose a customized /r/ target.

4). Determine natural tongue position.

5). Break habits and dysfunctional patterns with chronic /r/ students by determining natural tongue position taking The Entire World of R: Chronic /r/ Course or R Makeover Course.  

6). Practice Utilizing Target production probe lists from the Entire World of R Instructional Workbook.

7). Practice at least 150 correct /r/ words per session.

8). Send home homework consisting of correctly produced /r/ words.

9). Measure carryover: correctly produced /r/ words heard in speech session.

10). Start process over once 80% or greater accuracy is obtained for chosen target at the sentence level.

The Entire World of R (Vocalic R)

The Entire World of R™ is a proven, research-based program to evaluate and treat the difficult /r/ phoneme.

/R/ (also known as vocalic R, R-controlled vowels or vowel-R), is a difficult, elusive and frustrating sound to treat. Standardized articulation tests for /r/ only evaluate 18 /r/ words, which is not sufficient for SLPs to get to the root of the problem. The Entire World of R™ thoroughly evaluates a total of 944 words for R, making it the most comprehensive assessment program available anywhere in the market today.


The Entire World of R (Vocalic R) Products:

The Entire World of R Program
Contains: EWR-029 EWR-030 EWR-035 EWR-037 EWR-037R EWR-038 EWS-006 EWS-007 EWS-008 EWS-009
SKU: EWR-074 (without cards) Price: $449.99

This is the complete collection of our most popular vocalic R resources. The Entire World of R Program includes everything you need to screen, evaluate, elicit, remediate, and maintain the difficult /r/ phoneme. Get it all together in one money-saving combination.

The Entire World of R
Ultimate Premium Pack
Contains: EWR-062 EWR-029 EWR-032 EWR-035 EWR-037 EWR-037R
SKU: EWR-073C Price: $479.99

Get our most popular and newest items in one money-saving package! Savings of over $80. Includes The Entire World of R Book of Elicitation Techniques, The Entire World of R Advanced Screening, The Entire World of R Book of Stories, The Entire World of R Advanced Screening Pad, The Entire World of R Single Word Screening, The Entire World of R Say & Sequence Playing Card Set and The Big Book of R Carryover Stories.

The Entire World of R Curriculum Book.
EWR-200-thumb.jpg R Program for Older Kids (3rd Grade to Adult)
Contains: EWR-002-1 EWR-002-2 EWR-055 EWR-034 EWR-038 EWR-301
SKU: EWR-200 Price: $395.99
This is an ideal kit for kids 3rd grade and older. The activities are designed to practice the /r/ sound with age-appropriate activities such as trivia, idiomatic expression, and r probe lists and practice book with words, phrases, and sentences. Perfect for practice with adults or older students!
christine-ristuccia Evaluation Support Package for /r/ SKU: ESP-001 Price: $199.99
Having trouble making progress with /r/? Don't know where to start? Looking for an expert opinion on treating /r/? Is vocalic /r/ giving you trouble? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our Evaluation Support Package could be right for you. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the R Makeover Course. Current practicing SLP in the area of articulation disorders.
EWR-085-thumb.png R Carry Over Program
Contains: EWR-036 EWR-034 EWR-056 EWR-057
SKU: EWR-085 Price: $349.99

Save $15! Combination of the Entire World of R Curriculum Book, Artic Attack and Other R Games, Big Book of R Carry-Over Stories, and Solve then Say R.

The Entire World of R
Book of Elicitation Techniques
SKU: EWR-035 Price: $125.99

The WOW book for /r/ remediation. Tons of vocalic /r/ tips and techniques. Includes oral movement, coarticulation, whisper techniques and much more.

EWR-035D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Book of Elicitation Techniques (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-035D Price: $125.99
The WOW book for /r/ remediation. Tons of vocalic /r/ tips and techniques. Includes oral movement, coarticulation, whisper techniques and much more. This is a digital download only.
The Entire World of R
Advanced and Single Word Screening Complete Kit
Contains EWR-037 -Stimulus Book and EWR-037R (record forms) Plus EWR Single Word Screening Pad with Cards!
SKU: EWR-037 Combo Price: $239.00
The Advanced Screening for /r/ is the most comprehensive and advanced screening for vocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic /r/ and medial and final /rl/ created to date. The instructional screening book provides instructions on administration of the screening, scoring sheets and stimulus items that are essential for conducting a comprehensive /r/ screening! This screening provides you with knowing exactly which of the 32 /r/ allophones -(vocalic, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic (initial) and /rl/) that your student can produce thus finding their student strengths and the "correctly produced" word for each /r/ allophone so that you can find the most complimentary /r/ target to practice. Includes forms for easy assessment of /r/ articulation disorders. Comes with pad of 30 (11x17") forms, student copies, results forms and Elicitation Probe for all consonantal-vocalic combinations. The Entire World of R Single Word Screening is a screening that evaluates the 19 vocalic /r/ sounds. prevocalic (initial /r/ and medial and final /rl/ sounds. It has 21 stimulus picture cards to show student when conducting the screening. It is ideal for obtaining present levels of performance in therapy sessions, for upcoming IEP meetings, educating students, staff and parents about the students' progress and most importantly, knowing your student's ability and where to begin your /r/ remediation sessions.
EWR-037R-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R
Advanced Screening Pad
(Record Replacement forms)
SKU: EWR-037R Price: $99.99

Replacement screening pad for The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. Pad of 30 11" x 17" double-sided forms. Includes all 32 types of r including vocalic r and r blends.

The Entire World of R
Book of Elicitation Techniques
& Advanced Screening
Contains: EWR-035 EWR-037 EWR-037R
SKU: EWR-039 Price: $299.99
Get a vocalic /r/ combination package of the Book of Elicitation Techniques plus plenty of forms with the Advanced Screening. Great for determining where to start with treating vocalic /r/ articulation errors.
The Entire World of R Single Word Screening Form (Digital Download) SKU: SF-000D Price: $5.00
Download the original 21 word one-page screening form with picture cards to find your student's strengths. Quickly and easily evaluate all 21 types of /r/ (prevocalic /r/, 19 vocalic /r/'s and medial and final /rl/. Divided by individual /r/ phonemes in initial, medial, and final word positions. This screening tool is essential for your daily SLP toolbox. This is a Digital Download only. No cards are included with this order. Easy print from your computer. Cards are available to be emailed upon request.
The Entire World of R Instructional Workbook & Screening Kit Combo
Contains: EWR-030 EWR-001
SKU: EWR-031 Price: $149.99
Quickly and easily treat and evaluate all 21 types of /r/. Divided by vocalic phoneme and by initial, medial, and final word positions. 21 sections of worksheets and homework sheets for each vocalic /r/.
The Entire World of R Instructional Workbook SKU: EWR-030 Price: $99.99
Quickly and easliy treat all 21 types of /r/. Divided by vocalic phoneme and by initial, medial and final word positions. Twenty-one sections of worksheets and homework sheets for each vocalic /r/.
EWR-030D.jpg The Entire World of R Instructional Workbook (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-030D Price: $99.99
Quickly and easliy treat all 21 types of /r/. Divided by vocalic phoneme and by initial, medial and final word positions. Twenty-one sections of worksheets and homework sheets for each vocalic /r/.
The Entire World of R Flip Books SKU: EWR-080 Price: $129.99
Articulation remediation for vocalic /r/. Over 5,000 sentence stories in each of the eight (8) flip book set. All 21 types of vocalic /r/ are included by phoneme and word position. Includes /r/ blends and recurrent /r/.
Conquest of R front cover - thumb.jpg The Conquest of R (Digital Product) SKU: EWR-029D Price: $84.99
Will help you probe deeper into the student's lack of progress in correct production of /r/ after being in traditional /r/ intervention. Learn to pinpoint student's correct productions and facilitating contexts using the Entire World of R Elicitation Probe which included in the Entire World of R Advanced Screening. (Digital Version)
Choosing-a-Target-Checklist.gif SKU: 99D-001 Price: $29.99
Helps guide in the selection of your /r/ intervention taget based on the results of The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. In a handy, time-saving format this checklist reviews all possible criteria in the selection of a proper intervention starting point for /r/ remediation. Provides the answer to: Where do I start with /r/? This is a digital download only in PDF format. 4 pages.
Artic-Attack-R-Cover-thumb.jpg Artic Attack and Other R Games SKU: EWR-057 Price: $99.99
Artic Attack! Loaded with /r/ activity sheets for all allophones of the r-sound. All vocalic /r/ combinations are included as well as prevocalic /r/ and /r/ blends.
Artic-Attack-R-Cover-thumbD.jpg Artic Attack and Other R Games (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-057D Price: $99.99
Artic Attack! Loaded with /r/ activity sheets for all allophones of the r-sound. All vocalic /r/ combinations are included as well as prevocalic /r/ and /r/ blends. This is a digital download.
EWR-036-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Curriculum Book SKU: EWR-036 Price: $99.99 On Sale! $49.99
R aligned to state curriculum standards. Activities for all allophones of vocalic /r/ [air, ar, ear, er, ire, or] as well as prevocalic /r/, /r/ blends and recurrent /r/ are included. Organized into sections for younger and older students. Addresses skills such as capitalization, ABC order, punctuation, categorization, synonyms and antonyms.
EWR-036D-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Curriculum Book (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-036D Price: $99.99
R aligned to state curriculum standards. Activities for all allophones of vocalic /r/ [air, ar, ear, er, ire, or] as well as prevocalic /r/, /r/ blends and recurrent /r/ are included. Organized into sections for younger and older students. Addresses skills such as capitalization, ABC order, punctuation, categorization, synonyms and antonyms. This is a Digital Download only.
EWR-010-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R
Playing Cards - 8 Deck Set
SKU: EWR-010 Price: $124.99

Set of 8 cards decks for treating vocalic /r/. Contains all vocalic combinations and prevocalic r, rl, and r blends. 

The Entire World of R Probe Lists (Vocalic /R/) SKU: EWR-038 Price: $69.99

Create your own probe word lists and worksheets for vocalic /r/ using The Entire World of R methodology. Divided phonetically into 21 types of vocalic /r/ and 11 /r/ blends. Use for developing flash cards, drill sheets, games and stories.

The Entire World of R Probe List (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-038D Price: $69.99

Digital Download: Create your own probe word lists and worksheets for vocalic /r/ using The Entire World of R methodology. Divided phonetically into 21 types of vocalic /r/ and 11 /r/ blends. Use for developing flash cards, drill sheets, games and stories.

The Entire World of R Book of Stories SKU: EWR-032 Price: $99.99
Sixty-three pure /r/ practice stories. Only the target phoneme and word position appear in the story.
The Entire World of R Book of Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-032D Price: $99.99
Sixty-three pure /r/ practice stories. Only the target phoneme and word position appear in the story.
Big Book of R Carry-Over Stories SKU: EWR-034 Price: $99.99
Advanced practice for vocalic /r/. Sixty-seven (67) phonologically pure /r/ stories. All 8 variations of /r/ as well as a special challenge section of mixed /r/, r blends, and recurrent /r/.
Big Book of R Carry-Over Stories (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-034D Price: $99.99
Advanced practice for vocalic /r/. Sixty-seven (67) phonologically pure /r/ stories. All 8 variations of /r/ as well as a special challenge section of mixed /r/, r blends, and recurrent /r/.
The Entire World of R Starter Set
Contains: EWR-030 EWR-037 EWR-037R
SKU: EWR-040 Price: $275.00
The place to start for /r/ remediation and evaluation. Includes EWR Instructional Workbook, Single Word Screening Form with Cards and Advanced Screening Form.
The Entire World of
R, S & L Blends
Flip Book
SKU: EDS-005 Price: $39.99
Articulation flip book for R, S and L Blends. Part of the Early Developing Sounds Articulation Flip Book Set.
Solve-Then-Say-R-Cover-thum.jpg Solve Then Say R SKU: EWR-056 Price: $89.99
Great R carryover practice for older students. 270 of activity and homework sheets
EWR-056D.jpg Solve Then Say R
(Digital Download)
SKU: EWR-056D Price: $89.99
r carryover activities for older students (ages 8+). Includes all variations of vocalic /r/ by phoneme as well as /r/ blends and mixed /r/.
The Entire World of R Idioms SKU: EWR-055 Price: $99.99
Work on R articulation and idioms at the same time. Great for middle and high school students as well as English-as-a-second language practice.
The Entire World of
R Idioms
(Digital Download)
SKU: EWR-055D Price: $79.99
Work on R articulation and idioms at the same time. Great for middle and high school students as well as English-as-a-second language practice. Digital Download Only.
SC-006-thumb.jpg Double Dice Vocalic R includes Dice SKU: SC-010 Price: $40.99
Double Dice Vocalic R contains loads of /r/ remediation practice for all allophones of /r/. Includes a unique 12 sided die with 12 sided inner die for choosing repetitions.
Dot-Vocalic-R-thumb.jpg DOT Vocalic R SKU: SC-007 Price: $34.99
Dot Vocalic R is a unique way to practice and reinforce r-controlled vowels. Sold separately 4 scented ink daubers which records productions.
SC-009-thumb.jpg Vocalic R Reproducible Bingo SKU: SC-009 Price: $34.99
Vocalic R Reproducible Bingo contains loads of /r/ practice. Includes all types of /r/. Consistent with the popular Entire World of R methology.
R Secret Web The Entire World of R Secret Message (Digital Download) SKU: EWR-004D Price: $78.99
This book has been developed to help the student develop mastery of the /r/ variations while learning puzzles. It is suggested that the student with the /r/ speech sound disorder be given the Comprehensive /r/ screening to determine which of the 32 variations of /r/ he has not mastered. After you have determined an /r/ variation (e.g., ear initial) that the student was stimulable for or could correctly produce, find the corresponding chapter of the Entire World of R. Secret Message and use the appropriate section for practice. Keep a list of the correctly produced words in the production practice and write it on one of the Correctly Produced Word Lists in Appendix A (pp. 77–82)
The Entire World of R Ultimate Program
Contains: EWR-029 EWR-030 EWR-035 EWR-037 EWR-037R EWR-038 EWS-006 EWS-007 EWS-008 EWS-009 EWR-010 EWR-062
Price: $599.99

This is the complete collection of our most popular vocalic R resources. The Entire World of R Program includes everything you need to screen, evaluate, elicit, remediate, and maintain the difficult /r/ phoneme. Get it all together in one money-saving combination. It includes two EWR Playing Card Systems-the 8 Deck Set

The Entire World of R
Premium Pack no cards
Contains: EWR-029 EWR-032 EWR-035 EWR-037 EWR-037R
Price: $395.99

Get our most popular and newest items in one money-saving package! Savings of over $80. Includes The Entire World of R Book of Elicitation Techniques, The Entire World of R Advanced Screening, the Entire World of R Single Word Screening, The Entire World of R Book of Stories, The Entire World of R Advanced Screening Pad and The Conquest of R.

This package does not contain The Entire world of R Playing card system 8 deck set