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Getting Started with The Entire World of R (Vocalic R)

The Entire World of R™ is a proven, research-based program to evaluate and treat the difficult /r/ phoneme.

The program includes a complete suite of products designed to meet your specific /r/ remediation needs.

Getting Started:

Learning any skill has three main steps, and there are various practice procedures or milestones which help to achieve mastery, or in the case of articulation intervention, carryover of the acquired sound into conversational speech.

  1. The first step to treating /r/ speech sound disorders is to Evaluate and Screen. The purpose of the screening tools is to find a correct production or key word which helps determine placement of the tongue, lips and jaw.

  2. The second step is to Learn and Train. This will allow you to remediate /r/ articulation disorders. Once the correct keyword is established, proper placement can be reinforced using our training products.

  3. The third step is to Practice the 32 allophones (sounds of /r/). We have many products to assist you in practicing.

Step 1: Screening Products

The Entire World of R
Advanced and Single Word Screening Complete Kit
Contains EWR-037 -Stimulus Book and EWR-037R (record forms) Plus EWR Single Word Screening Pad with Cards!
SKU: EWR-037 Combo Price: $239.00
The Advanced Screening for /r/ is the most comprehensive and advanced screening for vocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic /r/ and medial and final /rl/ created to date. The instructional screening book provides instructions on administration of the screening, scoring sheets and stimulus items that are essential for conducting a comprehensive /r/ screening! This screening provides you with knowing exactly which of the 32 /r/ allophones -(vocalic, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic (initial) and /rl/) that your student can produce thus finding their student strengths and the "correctly produced" word for each /r/ allophone so that you can find the most complimentary /r/ target to practice. Includes forms for easy assessment of /r/ articulation disorders. Comes with pad of 30 (11x17") forms, student copies, results forms and Elicitation Probe for all consonantal-vocalic combinations. The Entire World of R Single Word Screening is a screening that evaluates the 19 vocalic /r/ sounds. prevocalic (initial /r/ and medial and final /rl/ sounds. It has 21 stimulus picture cards to show student when conducting the screening. It is ideal for obtaining present levels of performance in therapy sessions, for upcoming IEP meetings, educating students, staff and parents about the students' progress and most importantly, knowing your student's ability and where to begin your /r/ remediation sessions.
christine-ristuccia Evaluation Support Package for /r/ SKU: ESP-001 Price: $199.99
Having trouble making progress with /r/? Don't know where to start? Looking for an expert opinion on treating /r/? Is vocalic /r/ giving you trouble? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our Evaluation Support Package could be right for you. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the R Makeover Course. Current practicing SLP in the area of articulation disorders.
The Entire World of R Single Word Screening Form (Digital Download) SKU: SF-000D Price: $5.00
Download the original 21 word one-page screening form with picture cards to find your student's strengths. Quickly and easily evaluate all 21 types of /r/ (prevocalic /r/, 19 vocalic /r/'s and medial and final /rl/. Divided by individual /r/ phonemes in initial, medial, and final word positions. This screening tool is essential for your daily SLP toolbox. This is a Digital Download only. No cards are included with this order. Easy print from your computer. Cards are available to be emailed upon request.
EWR-037R-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R
Advanced Screening Pad
(Record Replacement forms)
SKU: EWR-037R Price: $99.99

Replacement screening pad for The Entire World of R Advanced Screening. Pad of 30 11" x 17" double-sided forms. Includes all 32 types of r including vocalic r and r blends.

compre-r-screening-small.png Comprehensive R Screening (Digital Download) SKU: ST-004D Price: $87.99
This five page screening form is the ultimate /r/ screening in digital format. The goal is to assess 32 /r/ allophones until you find a correct production and to measure /r/ productions in single words, phrases, sentences, and structured conversation (reading stories). This product differs from the EWR Advanced Screening in the following] ways: No stimulus book, a digital download, contains medial and triple /r/ blend words. There are stories for prevocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, medial /r/ blends, vocalic /r/ and a carryover story which contains all of the /r/ sounds mixed into one story.
Vocalic R Makeover Course Price: $99.99

Frustrated with treating vocalic /r/ disorders? I've spent 16 years speaking about /r/ disorders and have asked hundreds of therapists what issues are the most frustrating while working with students with /r/ issues. This course offers a new and refreshing approach to treat the most difficult of sounds based on the answers the speech pathologists have given me. Backed with extensive research and field testing, a complete phonemic approach to evaluating and treating /r/ is presented based on the 32 different types of /r/. This course has student videos to provide visual examples of intervention techniques to share with parents, teachers and/or students. The course will be worth .55 CEU's. Purchase Here

Conquest of R front cover - thumb.jpg The Conquest of R SKU: EWR-029 Price: $84.99
Will help you probe deeper into the student's lack of progress in correct production of /r/ after being in traditional /r/ intervention. Learn to pinpoint student's correct productions and facilitating contexts using the Entire World of R Elicitation Probe which included in the Entire World of R Advanced Screening.
The Entire World of Articulation Library
Contains: EWR-030 EWR-032 EWS-001 EWS-002 EWSH-001
EWSH-002 EDS-010 EWS-003 EWSH-003
SKU: LIB-003 Price: $361.99
Our best deal! Start or complete your articulation resource library. Includes four instructional books (r, s and z, sh and ch, and early developing sounds), three books of stories, and two complementary screening kits.
The Entire World of R
Advanced Screening Complete Kit
Contains EWR-037 -Stimulus Book and EWR-037R (record forms)
Price: $189.99
The Advanced Screening for /r/ is the most comprehensive and advanced screening for vocalic /r/, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic /r/ and medial and final /rl/ created to date. The instructional screening book provides instructions on administration of the screening, scoring sheets and stimulus items that are essential for conducting a comprehensive /r/ screening! This screening provides you with knowing exactly which of the 32 /r/ allophones -(vocalic, initial /r/ blends, prevocalic (initial) and /rl/) that your student can produce thus finding their student strengths and the "correctly produced" word for each /r/ allophone so that you can find the most complimentary /r/ target to practice. Includes forms for easy assessment of /r/ articulation disorders. Comes with pad of 30 (11x17") forms, student copies, results forms and Elicitation Probe for all consonantal-vocalic combinations.
EWR Screening Kit-thumb.jpg The Entire World of R Single Word Screening Form-Physical Version -SF-0001 Price: $5.00
Back by popular demand! The original 21-word screening pads od forma with tangible picture cards to find your student's strengths. Quickly and easily evaluate all 21 types of /r/ (prevocalic /r/, 19 vocalic /r/'s and medial and final /rl/. Divided by individual /r/ phonemes in initial, medial, and final word positions. This screening tool is essential for your daily SLP toolbox. The stimulus cards are included with this order. Easy print from your computer.