The Entire World of SH and CH (affricates) - Practice
The Entire World of SH and CH (affricates) - Practice - Products:
![]() Rebus stories for SH, CH, ZH, and J. Treat afficates and fricatives with ease.
![]() The "all-in-one" resource for speech and language. This book is the single book any speech-language patholgist needs as a basic reference tool with easy-to-use worksheets for articulation (all sounds in initial medial and final word positions and minimal pairs) and language activities (synonyms, multiple meaning works, Wh- questions, sequencing and much more).
![]() Easy-to-use and age-appropriate activities for [sh, ch, j, and zh] that are aligned to state academic curriculum standards. Work on artic sounds and academic goals simultaneously! Digital Download only.
![]() SH and CH Flip Book SKU: EWS-007 Price: $39.99 Articulation practice for SH and CH, as well as J and ZH sounds. Use the flip book for fun and easy affricate and fricative treatment therapy.
![]() 5-Minute Kids™ Therapy Manual for SH & CH. 5-Minute Kids™ is a clear, step-by-step articulation remediation program designed to minimize the amount of time that out of the classroom, and to improve the quality of time spent addressing individual speech sounds in therapy.
![]() Fun and challenging articulation word web practice for ages 8 and up. Includes 66 acticulation carryover puzzles as well as grammar teaching tools for prefixes, suffixes, segmenting, sentence definition and compound words.
![]() (Digital Download) SKU: EDS-021D Price: $43.99 Fun and challenging articulation word web practice for ages 8 and up. Includes 66 acticulation carryover puzzles as well as grammar teaching tools for prefixes, suffixes, segmenting, sentence definition and compound words.
![]() S and Z Book of Stories SKU: EWS-002 Price: $99.99 Over 50 stories for s and z divided by initial, medial and final word positions.
![]() Over 50 stories for s and z divided by initial, medial and final word positions.
![]() S and Z Flip Book SKU: EWS-006 Price: $39.99 Treat frontal and lateral lisps (S & Z sounds) with this fun, easy to use flip book from the Flip and Say Articulation Series. Move panels to create over 68,000 possible sentence stories!
![]() S & Z Idioms (Digital Download) SKU: EWS-012D Price: $79.99 S&Z articulation and idiom practice in one volume. Great for middle school, high school and ESL.
Digital Download Only.
![]() Digitial download version. Easy-to-use and age-appropriate activities for /s/ and /z/ that are aligned to state academic curriculum standards. Work on artic sounds and academic goals simultaneously!
The complete reference for afficates and fricatives. Treat SH, CH, ZH, and J articulation disorders with ease.
The complete reference for afficates and fricatives. Treat SH, CH, ZH, and J articulation disorders with ease.